Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Last night as I was sleeping

~ Antonio Machado
Translation: Robert Bly

Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt-marvelous error!-
that a spring was breaking
out in my heart.
I said: Along which secret aqueduct,
Oh water, are you coming to me,
water of a new life
that I have never drunk?

Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt-marvelous error!-
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures.

Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt-marvelous error!-
that a fiery sun was giving
light inside my heart.
It was fiery because I felt
warmth as from a hearth,
and sun because it gave light
and brought tears to my eyes.

Last night as I slept,
I dreamt-marvelous error!-
that it was God I had
here inside my heart.


It's so wonderful that the original meaning of the word 'error' is used here... which in the beginning of its use never meant 'mistake' but... walking in a wandering manner!

"Caminante, no hay camino
Se hace camino al andar."

(Walker, there is no path.
The path is made by walking.)

"Caminante, son tus huellas el camino, y nada más; caminante, no hay camino, se hace camino al andar. Al andar se hace camino, y al volver la vista atrás se ve la senda que nunca se ha de volver a pisar. Caminante, no hay camino, sino estelas en la mar."
~ Antonio Machado

Estelas en la mar

(Wanderer, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more; wanderer, there is no road, the road is made by walking. By walking one makes the road, and upon glancing behind one sees the path that never will be trod again. Wanderer, there is no road - only wakes upon the sea.)

"The path is made by walking".... yes!

Which insight together with "a fiery sun was giving light inside my heart" leads to "God I had here inside my heart"... divine nature realizing itself into divine light as space/time is formed and matter manifests the universe's divine nature.

Thus, 'all-that-is' in all its nuances, from the densest to the lightest, processes (as in procession) from the core of all that is...

Which brings up the following:
Could it be that the idea that light has some sort of speed at which it shiningly travels is flawed?

Could it be that time and space hasten into reality at just the right speed with just the right quantized steps as energy turns into all sorts of quantized manifestations...?

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