Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Collapse of the Probability Wave Function in the Human Brain

and the ensuing Biological Activity of Humans re-realizing their Potential during States of Oppression, Repression, Depression or Stress

Writing notes:


1. The Collapse of the Probability Wave Function during observation 

The collapse of the probability wave function...
  • happens during
    or is
  • the result of 'measurement' or 'observation'.
Is the nature of measurement: observational registration or contact...? 
If it is observation (which it apparently is), how is visual 'viewing / looking' involved, and thus light and therefore photons?

What is the nature of that contact, what entails that measurement, how does it register, what observes, what causes the possibility to observe / view? 

Is there is an exchange (communication) particle that activates the 'collapse' of the probability wave function after observation?

What is the minimum quantity of energy exchange needed (and through what exchange particle/s) to result in the collapse of the probability wave function?

New notion:
The 'squaring' of the probability wave function is dependent on the energy exchange that takes place upon contact. Can that contact just be the simple ACT and FACT of VIEWING and is the photon the actor / factor in that contact, registration, observation or viewing?
"The values of the wave function are probability amplitudes — complex numbers — the squares of the absolute values of which give the probability distribution that the system will be in any of the possible states." ~ Wikipedia

New Notion:
Is it the photon that acts as a catalyst for the collapse of the probability wave function to take place... and does it perhaps transform into an electron. ('Catalyst' as it is not consumed... although it is presumably affected.)
(Already known: Photons and Electrons are both leptons, the photon is gluon in the electromagnetic force
Photons are 0 charge, massless spin-1 bosons --- Electrons are -1 charged, massed spin-1/2 fermions.

(Photon hits photovoltaic surface (quartz/silica)... an electron gets wiggled and is freed up... )

Look up:
Compare photons and electrons: what if they are functions of an underlying more fundamental particle... Are they perhaps the before and after version of a 'what-icle' (or... 'pranicle')? 
(Electrons are massed spin-1/2 fermions. Photons (gluons) are massless spin-1 bosons.)
Proposed term 'pranicle' <- photon/electron energized breathing.

Oxygen... electrons...
"Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen and helium and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust. Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.9% of the volume of air." ~ Wikipedia

Photon abundance, photons are the second most common particle in the universe.

Look up:
Oxygen ionization... what happens to the electrons when this takes place? Not looking for a well-known answer...

New weird and possibly crackpot :) notion:

Electrons / Photons - Do they relate to each other as yin does to yang?
During electron shell-jumping why, how do the photon (gluons) get released or absorbed... where do they appear from upon release?

2. Squaring (collapsing) the Probability Wave Function in the Brain - Human Action

First some more intermediate writing notes:

Explain how and why the oxygen that we breathe-in is important for oxygen-electrons (which breathing makes abundantly available) to "fire" brain and nerve cells with photons to 'shed light' (literally) into the darker recesses of the brain/mind, thus helping effective facilitation of the human decision making process, resulting in (while motor-nerves are firing) ACTING UPON* the selected choice. (After a variety of available options or choices have been weighed)...
*Acting upon - the real meaning of realizing...

Illustrate the electron/photon(gluon) interchange that is active in intensive (especially conscious) breathing. (pranic breathing?).

(Humans are probably the only creatures who purposely manipulate each other in such a way that it affects their breathing.... which causes the recipient of manipulation to be held captive and unilaterally dependent... Incomplete or improper breathing patterns thus affectt decision making)

Getting to some conclusions:
  • When one is in a state of fear caused by oppression, repression, etc., shock causes one's breathing to diminish or temporarily halted...
    After one 'catches one's breath', (note: possibly worthwhile looking also at hyper-ventilation) the brain goes into survival mode and searches for possible ways out... Eventually it can choose from many possible solutions.
    The question is, which would be the most effective and thus most probable solution from a set of possible solutions?
    Does this activity set up some sort of "probability wave form" in the brain... Is that another meaning for becoming 'mental'.
  • When there is not enough seasonal sunlight, Seasonal Affective Disorder might result.
    Is that possibly because of a lack of enough photons or an abundance of cationic oxygen that can depress and imbalance brain activity... hence lower oxygenation of the brain, depressed breathing, etc... causing one's mental state to be affected?
When one is oppressed or repressed, one moves into a state of fear or anxiety, the result of either (repression or oppression) is depression, the mind goes around in circles (looking for ways-out)...

Breathing is affected, low energy state, no proper oxidation of food elements... food turns to toxic waste... putrification.

Yoga breathing is NOT needed to quieten the mind (a quiet mind would be a secondary effect), enhanced breathing is needed to supply oxygen electrons for the energy required to choose an effective solution from all possible choices available to free oneself from repression and oppression (servitude). Breathing promotes 'collapsing the probability wave function', after the 'probability amplitudes are squared'

When a solution (after mental hypothesizing) to overcome the depressed state is found and decided upon, energy from breathing (oxygen electron interchange - pranic breathing) enables action to follow: actualizing the potential, one gets 'here and now' again, a single projection of all of one's hypothetical projections becomes actual instead remaining potential. One does not have to dig into the past anymore for ideas and solutions and hypothetically project them into the future to free oneself from one's current depressed/repressed impasse.
If / when breathing returns, solutions are pondered, after pondering (this can take years) and deciding, eventually action takes place...
The probability wave function collapses, one squares (with) time and place and... oneself.
Breathing supplies the energy - oxygen electrons - to realize one's potential... what is pondered can eventually be exercised and acted out... registered and sensorially measured... viewed...
Interesting, when this happens typically 'things' look brighter, the present and future are brighter, vision is clearer, colors more vibrant, fragrances, etc.
Oxygen electrons produce insight... one gets enlightened into a new situation which one realizes meaning one makes real... Actualization! Being in sync with time and space - people and environment.

3. Electron / Photon Transformation and the Collapse of the Probability Wave Function

Electrons are massed spin-1/2 fermions.
Photons (gluons) are massless spin-1 bosons.

Double-slit experiment setup. ...
Waves or particles (bullets)
Measuring/viewing (which slit, wave or particle?) is mediated through photons (gluons) that causes the collapse of the probability wave function. Upon viewing (measuring), "whatsicles" release photons (to make viewing possible) and remaining electrons now act as bullets. Interference pattern disappears.

More to come...

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