Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Being Higgs

Detail from a BBC video frame

Visualizing Higgs Space, the Higgs boson/field and virtual Higgs bosons.
(A philosophy of physics section will be inserted here shortly.)

The Higgs boson's 'presence' and 'absence' causes space to feature localized, internal, 3 dimensional wave-like density variations in a phase-state (non-solid/non-liquid) that is at once firm, gel-like and resiliently flexible... not like molasses (as it is often described) but like... "Jello" (T.M.)
"Jelloid Higgs Space"
A virtual Higgs boson appears as a contracted rip or compacted ripple in Higgs space. It is the possible virtuality of the Higgs boson that enables the spatial variation in Higgs space compaction or contraction.
Individual masses within their individual jelloid Higgs environments, affect their surrounding Higgs space density. This results in varying the 3 dimensional (rippled, or rather 'rimpled') compaction of Higgs space into spherically extended formations.
The particles that compose a 'mass object' inside Higgs space, cause an equivalent number of Higgs bosons to 'disappear' into virtuality so as to make room for the presence of the massive object itself.
The resulting space compaction extends onion-shell-like around the 'contained' mass object, thus producing inverse square density properties that make their 'contained' masses APPEAR as though they  - 'mutually' of course - affect other massive objects in their proximity.

This makes them seemingly attract each other - however, the mass objects are NOT attractive/ing at all...
At some point a spin-induced, torque-like shaped equilibrium is reached, which gives the apparent path of any mass (as contained within jelloid Higg space) its oval, or rather, spiral path appearance and apparent movement.
Their SEEMING attraction is not a quality/property of the mass objects in space, but a quality/property of multiple, mutually interfering spatialities: mass-filled/mass-affected jelloid spatial Higgs field-spheres.

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