Friday, April 08, 2011

Overlapping Multiple Universes

The Multiverse Consist of Myriads of Overlapping and Mutually Interfering Unique Universes

A few years back I was staring at a cover of a science magazine that featured an article on parallel universes which made me wonder whether there would be:
• either many parallel universes,
or just
• one universe.

As I was staring at that cover (it must have been Sci-Am or Discover or even Popular Science), it suddenly dawned on me that it was not an "either-or" thing at all:

Multiple Universes
does the trick!

Simply said it goes like this: You and I (and everyone and anything... But let me keep it simple), EACH one of us, lives in a distinct universe ¹, but in our case both our universes (and all other infinitely many distinct universes... But let me keep it simple) are not parallel or apart from each other, BUT they happen to "overlap each other", or, to say it differently and better, they are so intricately superposedly entangled that all parts and dynamics (the ones we can be aware of) APPEAR as though they occur in "one single universe only".
We are calling it "My World" or "Our World"... but that is a very limited characterization only.

Using the analogy of waves (and simplifying it), waves do this overlappingly superposing all the time, except it is called "interference".

A Duck With Blinders In A Windy Pond...

Imaginatively visualize two waves in pond that are coming in from different directions: depending on when and where they meet..., there are locations where their interferential combination is twice as high, twice as deep, where they cancel each other out or something, whatever, in between. HOWEVER when we focus on JUST ONE particular spot in that entire wave pattern — that is LOCALLY and SPECIFICALLY in the "Here & Now" of spacetime — it can be seen (experienced, observed) as ONE REALITY ONLY, experienced locally time- and space-wise, as though having nothing to do with the entire pattern around it and the dynamics that caused the wave pattern to be so. A duck, so to speak, in that one spot might not know in any way, why its spot has its particular configuration, a duck might not have the tiniest of inklings about what influences exactly caused that spot to be precisely what it is... Consider it a duck with blinders, it only knows it own situation oblivious of the dynamics of systems close by and any and all systems around anywhere.

To say it differently, unbeknownst to the duck, the "pressure" of 13.7 billion years of causes and effects made her to be what and where she is at that current moment in space and time, even that we gave her virtual blinders in our metaphor.

Now imagine this to take place with plenty more waves, a maelstrom of waves in an oceanic environment...

Now imagine that this takes place with universes, infinitely many universes, a maelstrom of them... ... ... To me though, my situation appears as ONE actual factual scene  my local reality... not knowing though, or realizing, or being oblivious of the myriads of concurrent players in infinitely many superposingly entangled universes!

In my distinct and unique universe, I, that is "I" RELATIVISTICALLY ² mutually and reciprocally cooperate — conjugate ³ — with the entire infinite number of distinct universes (including the myriad of distinct universes WITHIN me, right down to the tiniest most fundamental particle level), AND YOU, that is from your "I", RELATIVISTICALLY ¹ mutually and reciprocally cooperating — conjugating ² — with the entire infinite number of distinct universes, including the myriad of distinct universes WITHIN you, right down to the tiniest most fundamental particle level.

¹ I should review this, rephrase it:
Every entity from the tiniest (the smallest fundamental elemental particle) to the largest, has its own relativistic perspective. Each component of complex entitites within its complexity has a unique perspective. The sum over all perspective within a complex entity, amalgamatically represents a greater more all around perspective.
So the entirety of the universe is the grandest amalgam, of we should keep in mind, that the perspective are dynamic. They relativistically shift forward in spacetime. So in a sense the universe is multidimensional interference pattern always in flux.
² It is here where Einstein's relativity theories meet with quantum theory.
³ "conjugate"... as though "copulatingly"!

1 comment:

Wim Borsboom said...
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